Tenant Announcement: Retail Approach in 2021

News Years Day, 2021. 2020 ends none too soon.

However, challenges are revealing. Working through the 2020 COVID tragedy, we reached out to each other as owner-tenants. Through multiple conversations we gained new perspectives and appreciation about our respective businesses (after all, we are a small business too, and also dealt with fixed business costs that did not go away with COVID).

As shopping center owners, our appreciation of the need for each business to enhance its web site and social media presence came clearly into focus. The most successful retail businesses in the future will be brick and mortar stores teamed with a strong internet profile. This is so clear.

In 2020 we let you know that we can help with web site design and enhancing your internet presence at no additional cost to you. Those who responded were better able to navigate 2020.

We are optimistic heading into 2021. We have seen many tenants up their game in 2020 and actually expanded their reach to consumers and increased sales.

Whatever challenges we may face in 2021, we are committed to continuing and increasing our interaction and conversations with you. We want to hear from you. We want to know what you feel are the tools necessary to grow your business in these unique times.

Signing a lease is always a give and take process; but once signed, owners and tenants are team mates with the same objectives. Talk to us.

Happy New Year!

Madison Corporate Group Team

Important, please see below from our financial consultant for updates on the recent federal COVID relief act:

The relief act was signed into law 12/27/20, and we want to ensure you’re receiving accurate updates about this bill.

The COVID-19 landing page on our website contains summaries of the stimulus relief for businesses and individuals detailed in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (H.R. 133).

We will guide you through this next phase of relief, and how it affects you as an individual and/or a business owner. Contact us if you need further assistance. We are here to help!

Catherine Riddick | XPonent Group | 708.352.7377 | www.xponentgroup.com

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