5 Print Materials to Add to Your Marketing Strategy

In today’s society, marketing your business simply cannot be ignored. It’s how you attract customers – old and new – to your brand. It’s what makes someone stop what they’re doing and focus on your business. Of course, digital marketing is an extremely powerful means of communication and should absolutely be included in your marketing strategy. But what about print marketing? We asked the Point Of Action Marketing team to guest write this blog. Here is their list of 5 print materials to add to your marketing strategy.

Marketing with Postcards

Sending a postcard in the mail is one of the most powerful ways to market your business. On average, direct mail gets more responses than most digital marketing materials. When you send members of your target market a postcard in the mail, it sends a message that your business is credible, valuable, and trustworthy. Many people get excited when they see something waiting in their mailbox for them, especially if that piece of mail pertains to a product or service that they’re interested in.

Make sure your postcard is visually appealing and contains relevant information. If your card meets this criterion, you’ll definitely generate more interest in your brand.

Marketing with Flyers

Flyers are a must for businesses looking into print marketing tactics. They are the most visible form of print communication and brand awareness. A flyer that is designed well and contains relevant information can significantly increase your ROI. This is a very cost-effective solution and can provide you with a competitive edge and a way to reach new customers.

print flyer

Marketing with Brochures

Brochures are another strategic marketing tool because they provide your target audience with a lot of information! You can use them to share information about your company, highlight your products or services, provide contact information, or really anything you want! Many businesses love brochures because they are easy to make, easy to distribute, and easy on the budget.

Marketing with Business Cards

There are many ways to send your contact information digitally in today’s world. And while that may be the more convenient approach, networking in person carries a lot more weight. It’s much easier to remember a person when you’ve met them face-to-face and left them with something to remember you by. Business cards are perfect for creating a memorable first impression with someone.

Make sure that your business card follows your brand guidelines, is not too crowded, and has all your important information on it.

Marketing with QR Code

This last point really ties everything together! You can include a QR code on every one of the print materials we mentioned above. Postcards, flyers, brochures, and business cards are all great places to use a QR code. Plus, this is a great way for you to combine the power of print and digital marketing materials!

Choose your landing pages carefully to make sure they match the print material containing the QR code. We also recommend that you create a trackable link for your QR code, so you’ll know exactly where your traffic is coming from.


Print marketing is still a necessary means of customer communication today. It’s really important that you incorporate these materials into your marketing efforts and that you execute them properly to get the best results from them. If you are interested in getting help from a professional marketing company, we suggest Point of Action Marketing.

All Madison Corporate Group tenants have access to the Point Of Action marketing team, and that could include you! If you’re interested in moving your business to Crystal Lake Plaza, Pickwick Place, or Village Commons, take a look at our available properties and fill out our contact form

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